14 May- No matter what are you are, friends will ALWAYS come and go...learn to accept that;
- Let people go, don't hold onto people who drift away from you. You actually have wicked friends around you, take advantage of that;
- Be more honest & truthful to yourself and others, it'll help you grow into the person you're suppose to be;
- Accept the qualities you have which are both positive and 'negative', no one is perfect. EVERYONE has a flaw or two;
- Don't let people tell you that being funny and having a sense of humour isn't attractive..IT IS!
- Weighing yourself constantly will only bring you down, just don't do it;
- Embrace your music taste. Sing along to the car radio at every opportunity;
- Always try to find a positive out of a negative situation, maybe adopt a "Fuck it" attitude once in a while isn't so bad;
- Don't be afraid to show your emotions, crying doesn't make you weak;
- Travel as much as you can, do NOT stay in once place;
- Learn to save - but learn to also not stress about money;
- Your mum wants to be your best friend, she's right about most things. Accept it and enjoy it;
- Don't be afraid to be by yourself, always take time out;
- Your school days were some of the best times of your life, but there is so much more to come. Appreciate everything;
- Never stop taking photos, photograph everything;
- Start telling people you love them more, life is so short;
- Stay busy;
- Don't settle for anything less;
- Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, they have shit days too;
- Never pass up the opportunity to dance, adopt the fuck it attitude and go for it.