25 November

"Make the first move, tell people how you feel, stop being so scared of rejection, stop feeling so engulfed with thoughts that aren’t even yours, and stop wasting your fucking time."

So as many of you know I quit my job nearly two months ago because I was really unhappy and borderline depressed. I thought once I quit, everything would fall into place, I would get a job pretty easily due to my many years of experience, I'd be significantly happier AND I'd be super excited for my LA adventure.

This couldn't be further from my current reality. Currently unemployed, I have been messed around by many agencies and companies and managed to only lock down 2 and half weeks of full work since the end of September. It's so hard in the 'real world'. I feel like it's even harder to get a job in London considering how busy it is. You're competing against women with degree's, confidence and even more experience than you. And to be completely honest it's hard for it not to affect you.

However, after my most recent setback by a popular brand that shall not be named. I can confidently say I have been through every single emotion possible. Then it hit me, why not channel all those emotions and write them down. Closure if you will, so if any of you out there are struggling with a career choice, can't find a job or are just genuinely unhappy with the way life is treating you, here are my tips on how to get over being fucked over!

I bet you felt really confident when you got out of that interview didn't you? I bet when they rejected you, they said "We loved you, we really did. Unfortunately, the role just happened to get filled internally..." It's shit, you feel deflated. I suggest you just go home and cry it out. Not many people get it, they'll say "It's just ONE interview, you'll get another..." But it's not the point because in that moment you really thought you nailed it and if anything you feel like you've let yourself down. You haven't, it happens to a lot of people, but for right now I won't tell you that, I'll let you have your moment, I'll let you cry and tomorrow is a new day...

So you're in a bad place. Not fun, but I'll tell you what helped me perk up a little bit. I wrote this blogpost. If you're into blogging, write about your shit experiences, if you're not, turn to your hobby. Turn to the one thing that makes you feel a little bit better, whether it be taking time out to read the book you've had on your shelf for 6 months, pick your camera up again and take some cool photos. Just try and get out of this mini distressed state because it doesn't make any situation better...

Real friends listen to real shitty situations. Tell them every detail, explain how fucked over you feel about things. Tell them it feels like the end of the world, tell them you need a shoulder to cry on. You'll be surprised at how many of them actually sympathize with you and do a lot of things to make you feel better. Bottling up every emotion inside is the one thing I wouldn't recommend you do. You'll be a ticking time bomb and I guarantee you'll explode on the wrong person. #MoreDrama

Take if from someone who knows. I was categorically fucked over on Tuesday, I thought I had found a full-time position in a field I was passionate about. Long story short, shit hit the fan and I was back at square one. I needed a whole day to recover from the low blow. Recovery meaning: Not leaving my room till 4pm, having another cry and eventually getting dressed. However Thursday rolled around and I woke up, (at a reasonable time at last), opened my laptop and jumped back on the job hunt. I received another TWO rejections that day. So I can safely say Yes, it's been a fucking great week!! However, rejection is a part of life, isn't it? As bad as it feels at the moment, we have to get over it and rise above.

I think I've practically managed the art of getting fucked over. It won't be the last time it happens, however, I've now cleverly devised a plan that will get me out of my 'funk' a lil bit quicker than normal...time will tell.

Love Elle 

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